Well, well, well. Some AMAZING BLASTERS have yet to hit shelves this year!

These are our stars:

#1: The Elite Infinus
Well, this gun is odd. It's a full auto flywheel that has a funnel in the back for loading in additional darts. It also comes with a thirty dart drum- a first for the nerf line of clips/drums. $69.99 MSRP

Infinus Side

#2. The N-Strike NanoFire 
This little pistol is kinda cute. I am still not sure why we need more Jolt reskins but this will do. $4.99 MSRP
IMG 5980

#3. The Elite Surgefire
This drum style slam firing blaster looks like a good secondary. It holds twenty-five darts and it looks like it's already been released, oops. $24.99 MSRP

#5. The Mega Thunderhawk
OOOOOOHHHHHHSSSSSOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEE!!!!!! So this gun is another Accustrike sniper, but here's the kicker: IT'S A MEGA BLASTER! MEGA ACCUSTRIKE!!!! YESSS!!! Alright here's the detatils. It folds from a short rifle into a sniper weapon, it features a clip system, of course, however those jacked up Centurion clips won't work with this thing. $49.99 MSRP. This is also the record holder for the longest NERF blaster ever!
Image result for nerf mega thunderhawk gif
#6. Nerf Modulus Evader
GREAT NEWS ANOTHER MODULUS GUN!!! Apparently this new one has a clear plastic shell, very nice... and also it's supposed to be part of this new "GHOST OPS" sub series. I can't wait! It's also supposed to light up for when in the dark. $39.99
ghost ops evader
Sorry about the weird font color, I literally had to copy and paste the name of this gun! But this (except for that big rival gun i talked about earlier) is my most anticipated blaster. So far, it's the first fully customizable Zombie Strike blaster. It has a detchable stock, a barrel extension, and a clip system ! Not too shabby! I gotta get this thing!!!! $49.99
#8. The RIVAL Prometheus
WELL OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE A KILLER! Sometimes I do wonder why each Rival gun is more expensive and crazy overpowered than the previous. But I'm pretty pumped up for this blaster. It features a 200 round hopper and a rechargeable NiMH battery. It will run for $199.99, even though only hardcore RIVAL players and Coop772 will actually pay that price. And it yet again breaks the record for highest capacity Nerf gun EVER!

#9. The RIVAL Hades
Wow, a successor to the Artemis! According to my sources*, it has a 60 dart capacity, better than that of the Artemis. My only criticism is that it looks to long. But it's cool nonetheless. $69.99 MSRP

#10. The RIVAL Helios
Enter the RIVAL Helios, a bolt action sort of blaster. I'm not sure about the point of the gun, however maybe they'll release a sort of mini scope attachment to put on top. Or maybe they'll release this gun as part of a bundle. That's my prediction, anyway... Comes with a seven round mag.

#11. The Zombie Strike RipChain
My only comment on this: NOTHING CAN BEAT THE VULCAN!!!
But I admit it looks pretty nice. $39.99 MSRP. Comes with a 25 dart chain.
Nerf Zombiestrike Ripchain

#13. The Elite Delta Trooper
This gun doesn't have an official image so I'll have to opt for one from the toy fair. It may be the successor to the Retaliator but I'm not completely sure... It is a customizable blaster with a 12 dart clip/magazine.

Alright, alright, that'll be all for today. I CAN'T WAIT FOR ALL
 THESE GUNS TO BE RELEASED! I really need to get some ca$h...

Here's some side notes...
Also to be released is the MODULUS ULTIMATE CUSTOMIZER PACK...
which comes with an unspecified motorized blaster, and a whopping seven attachments. Probably not worth the set price, which is $99.99
but a nice xmas gift.

And some other assorted attachments and junk that I'll talk about later. 



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